Saturday, May 9, 2009


He has a hook-hand
and it is perfect for
wrapping around your neck
and pulling you close
so he can whisper in your ear
and tell you how badly you hurt your team
by screwing up.

He has a hook-hand
not a metal one but a fleshy one.
It's just a regular hand
and arm
but misshapen. Truth be told
his hand got caught under his armpit
in the womb
and his bones fused together.

He has a hook-hand
and he claps with the palm of his "regular" hand
and the back of the hook-hand.
He uses the hook-hand to hold the phone,
so he can jot down things with the "regular" hand.

He has a hook-hand
and it isn't a disability. 
Because according to hook-handed men,
"it's not a disability if you are born with it!
If you had to go your whole life with it
learn to tie your shoes with it
and carry a football with it,
then it's not a disability!"

He has a hook-hand
and when he was younger he would hide the hook-hand
behind his back
before wrestling matches
in high school.
When it was time to shake hands before the match
he would hold out the hook-hand
and freak out opponents.
He would then use that same hook-hand
to hook necks and hook legs
and he went to the state wrestling championships.

He has a hook-hand
and a terrible offensive philosophy
and slanted eyebrows
and kind of a bad temper.
And he's someone else's problem now.
I served my four years.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is my favorite. Every player can identify with a coach like this, maybe not one with an actual hook hand, but a coach that never let's you feel sorry for yourself because how can you compare?

    It resonates with grit and determination, the essence of football.
