Saturday, August 15, 2009

Eating Coffee Cake Crumbs with a fork

begin sitting in your chair at the Sandy, UT Starbucks located on the corner of 9400 east and 13oo south. Order a hot chocolate and coffee cake. hear remark from lady who helped you the day before. flirt with cute coffee maker woman. look around. sit. get up. go back to car and retrieve danny's laptop (borrowed). eat, drink, and be merry (as permitted). write emails and check facebook. write poems. check facebook. think to yourself (is there a difference between prose and thought?) (note: make sure at the end of the thought there is a huge question mark in your head and it ought to be yellow...that is not a personal preference it is a commandment). finish coffee cake and begin sifting crumbs around with fork #2 until there is a large amount in the middle of the plate. place the fork in your hand in normal American fashion. place the fork on the top of the plate (12:00) and scrape downward. allow crumbs to collect onto fork, some falling back to plate between prongs. lift fork to mouth allowing for more crumbs to fall back to the plate between prongs. eat left over crumbs. sift remaining crumbs together again. place fork at 12:00 and repeat. repeat. repeat. get frustrated and say "to hell with these crumbs". write a poem about how to eat crumbs. change the poem from a poem to a bit of prose. delete all capitalizations except Sandy UT. think about crumbs. obsess about crumbs. gross out about couple kissing 3 meters away at 12:00. lick plate. wish you had another coffee cake. walk up to counter to look at cute drink making woman. think about if you want to order another coffee cake. smile at cute coffee maker. get asked question by ugly non cute register worker who helped you yesterday. tell her you want another coffee cake but you shouldnt. receive compliment about manish figure but do not give another back. walk back to seat. sip some hot chocolate. look out window. get angry. throw danny's laptop (borrowed) to the floor. run around anngrily. wake up from odd fantasy. notice danny's laptop (borrowed) still in fine cosmetic and working condition. sigh sigh of relief. feel weird. think about going pee but not wanting to leave your items unattended. realize you are in Sandy UT and they are probably safe. don't go pee anyway due to paranoia. end poem. think about expanding poem that is now prose. expand poem that is now prose a little bit further. advance through life during normal course of action 50 years (having babies and meals and flights and shits and cups of chocolate and infidelities and rounds of golf and shitty ties for fathers day and anger and high cholesterol and one drinks too many and cars and books and haircuts and salads). get assassinated.

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